November 20, 2009

to consider fears of a terror attack at KSM's trial overblown

Charles Krauthammer is probably the conservative writer I respect most, and I agree with most of what he wrote in his most recent article.  However, Krauthammer briefly pays lip service to an idea being trumpeted by some conservatives, including Rudy Giuliani, that holding a trial in Manhattan invites a terrorist attack.
"Apart from the fact that any such trial will be a security nightmare and a terror threat to New York -- what better propaganda-by-deed than blowing up the courtroom, making KSM a martyr and turning the judge, jury and spectators into fresh victims? -- it will endanger U.S. security."
I'll admit that KSM's trial is an inviting target.  But KSM will not be the first terrorist tried in New York City.  And moreover, New York City itself is what makes an inviting target all on its own.   There have been nine known plots against New York City since 9/11, including two in the last 6 months.
"New York City will remain a terrorist target for many reasons other than the Gitmo Five trial. It is also interesting to note that none of the city’s other high-profile terrorism trials has ever resulted in a retaliatory attack against the city."
Anybody who plans to attack Manhattan during the KSM trial would likely plan to attack Manhattan regardless.

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